Over the years I have picked up so many tips, tricks, resources, ideas, etc., from bloggers and news feeds that have been helpful. Learning from others has been a valuable resource for me personally.
So I wish to do the same. Occasionally I will post these “Feature Friday” posts that will deviate slightly from my normal content about leadership and communication. These posts will still center around those topics, but from the perspective of sharing a resource, idea, tip, trick, etc.
Here are today’s features.
A blog I follow – Leadership Freak. Dan Rockwell has a way of, as his tagline says, “empowering leaders 300 words at a time.” He has a people-first, leader-as-servant philosophy that I greatly appreciate. If you are responsible for leading a team of people you will appreciate his bite-sized blog posts. Be sure to add him to your RSS reader and follow him on Twitter – @LeadershipFreak.
If you don’t develop others you won’t reach extraordinary #success. #leadership
– @LeadershipFreak
A book I recently read – The Art of Work: A Proven Path to Discovering What You Were Meant to Do by Jeff Goins. This book is great for anyone who wants to explore the topic of “calling” whether they be a college student choosing a major, a CEO who still feels like there is more, or an entrepreneur seeking to “design” the ideal life for herself.
I used to think that your calling was about doing something good in this world. Now I understand it’s about becoming someone good—and letting that goodness impact the world around you.
– Jeff Goins, The Art of Work
– How about you? Were you aware of these resources? What others have been helpful to you? Comment below.