If you work with the web at all, you probably know that having spaces in a filename online is not a good idea. You can do it, but every space gets replaced with “%20” in the file’s URL. So how can you replace spaces with hyphens easily?
lead well from where you are
If you work with the web at all, you probably know that having spaces in a filename online is not a good idea. You can do it, but every space gets replaced with “%20” in the file’s URL. So how can you replace spaces with hyphens easily?
It occurred to me a while back that I couldn’t remember the last time I read a fiction book. Over the last 20 years, basically since college, the vast majority of my reading has been non-fiction. I have read several hundred books in that time, but I couldn’t think of a single one that was […]
I make it a habit to always be working through a book or two. Reading is one of the best ways to continually grow and learn, and it happens to be very accessible in todays world of physical books, ebooks, and audiobooks.
As someone who works in communications and technology for a large, public, higher-ed institution, I often get questions about using content. I was recently asked, “Can I download a video from Youtube to use offline?”
A while back an employee who was a fairly recent hire came to me saying he had been contacted by a company and had been offered a job. He hadn’t sought it out, but now here it was and he had to make a decision. He said he was leaning towards accepting it. As we […]
I know. I know. It’s another one of those obligatory year-in-review posts. Hey, why not. It’s actually a nice change of pace. It’s a little easier to write about your posts than it is to write the posts themselves. Besides, I’ve blogged on and off for years and I don’t think I’ve ever written one […]
I know, I know…everyone writes a “best books” post like this near year’s end. It’s as if there is an unwritten rule everyone feels obligated to follow or maybe some vast conspiracy with the book industry to boost sales. Or maybe the end of the year is simply a good time to look back on highlights that are […]
The environment in which you work greatly affects your attitude, productivity, and ability to focus. Great leaders know this. And in order to be the most effective, great leaders seek out the best leadership tools. They organize their workspace so that these tools are in easy reach. But this post may not be what you […]